How we work

Professional Development Process

Our projects have 5 stages: Evaluation, Design, Development, Quality Control and Continuous Improvement. These instances are customized based on each project and involve different team members.
We implement an agile methodology to go through this process with the best results.







Quality Control

Quality Control

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement


We have a work team for each project: Project Managers, Developers, Q&A, Site Managers and Designers.

Through suitable human resources, supported by the appropriate productivity tools, we are able to achieve productivity levels with high quality standards to develop each project.

Productivity Tools

There is always a way to do the job right.

At 66 eCommerce we put a lot of effort into discovering the best productivity tools on the market.
When they help us optimize our work methodology, it is an investment.

Productivity Tools

Perfecting Teamwork Processes

A team of happy people does a better job for our customers.

We are constantly searching for ways to improve our work, and for this, human resources are a fundamental part of this journey. This idea is one of the fundamental values ​​that sustains 66 eCommerce.

Test environment and backups

We have the knowledge and IT resources necessary to meet the needs of your project.

During projects, we work and test in a development environment. We also use app repositories to keep your platform secure and give access to code when needed.

Test environment and backups